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Rack of lamb

Rack of lamb

This is a very simple recipe for preparing a rack of lamb.  It requires minimal spices because the meat does all the talking, which means get the best cut that you can.  I recommend New Zealand lamb because it has less fat and the meat is very tender and full of flavour without that pungent lamb odour.  However if you really want to splurge Waitrose has recently started to stock Abervale Lamb reared by carful selection for tenderness like no other, by a small group of producers here in UK. 

What you will need:

Rack of lamb (select a cut of your choice and weight, I find people enjoy about two lollipops each)

Sea salt (I use a small mill but you can also use a couple of pinches of salt to taste)

About three springs of rosemary (optional)

Olive oil

How to prepare:

Heat a conventional oven to 200℃, or if you have an AGA don't.

Prepare a roasting pan that will fit the lamb, the depth of which can be shallow since the meat is not fatty and there aren't going to be many juices as a result. 

Lay the rack in the tray or pan, you can pat the meat dry with a kitchen towel at this point.  Then drizzle a little of olive oil, make sure not to smother it in oil though.  

Sprinkle some salt, in this case less is more, but the salt will bring out the natural sweetness of the meat.

And last but not least lay the springs of rosemary on top and nothing more.  When cooking in the oven the rosemary will crisp up and add an extra texture as well as an earthy flavour to the lamb. 


Now you can place the lamb into the oven and let it cook for about 25 minutes.  If you have an AGA place it on the bottom shelf of the grill oven and wait the same amount of time.    


I don't believe that there is a need to rest the meat, as by the time you have portioned it off and served it would be the perfect temperature.  Eat it straight away for best flavour. Bon appétit!  

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