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Frittata sandwich

Frittata sandwich

The first time I ever made a frittata I didn’t enjoy the experience. I thought it was messy and rather too close for comfort, in that it is dangerously easy to burn yourself. While I was flipping the frittata over the uncooked egg spilled all over and then while trying to transfer the frittata back to the pan so it can fry on the other side it tore so I was left with unappealing mess. However since then, this was many years back, I have adapted to baking my frittata in the oven. The pros outweigh the fact that perhaps this is not the most authentic way to cook a frittata. You use less oil to cook, the egg rises in the over making it a soft soufflé texture and last but not least no mess to clean up from flipping it over. Here is my take on a Spanish frittata with a cheese and ham centre.


8 eggs beaten

3 medium potatoes diced

1 onion finely chopped

4 slices of ham (I use honey glazed)

8 slices of semi-hard cheese (I use Leerdammer)

300ml double cream

1 tbsp paprika

salt and pepper to taste

Olive oil


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200℃

  2. In a large bowl whisk together the eggs and add the double cream, set aside.

  3. Peal and dice the potatoes into roughly 1cm cubes. Pour about two table spoons of olive oil onto your frying pan, use one with high edges. Add the potato to fry until it softens and just begins to brown. Add the chopped onion into the pan and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Remove from the stove and let it cool for a minute before adding to the bowl with the egg and cream mixture.

  4. Using the same frying pan pour a little less than half of the egg and potato mixture so that it covers the base of the pan. Place four slices of cheese evenly around the top of the mixture, than the ham and again the remaining cheese. Pour the rest of the egg and potato mixture on top.

  5. Place the frying pan onto the floor of your AGA grilling oven and bake for 20-25 min or until the top is golden and brown. If you’re using a conventional oven lower the temperature to 180℃ and place the pan in the middle of your oven.

  6. Remove from the oven and transfer onto your serving plate. Best eaten whilst it’s hot but also can be eaten the next day as a sandwich.

As always enjoy! Bon appétit!

The pan size that I am using is 28cm/11in with 6cm high edges. Also make sure that the handle of your frying pan is oven safe.


I recommend a nutty flavoured cheese and one that melts well. Cheddar would be a little overpowering for this dish.

Although I have mentioned that you can add salt to taste, remember that both the ham and the cheese already contain salt so you nay even skip this condiment.



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