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Backed Romanesco Cauliflower

Backed Romanesco Cauliflower

This dish is naturally vegan, but don’t be discouraged that it will taste bland. The fresh ginger adds a subtle delicate spice reminiscent of a Thai curry. I found this beautiful cauliflower while doing the weekly shopping at Sainsbury’s. Not only is it beautiful but it is also packed full with antioxidants and vitamin C and K. The texture when cooked is a little firmer than a white cauliflower and the taste is more delicate. It is sweeter and with a hint of the white cauliflower. Let me also add that it doesn’t have the strong odour once cooked, which for some may be a turn off. Even if you are not a cauliflower fan, you will enjoy the Romanesco. As the name suggests this cauliflower hales from Italy dating back to the 16th century, and now it is making a comeback as you can find it supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s and Ocado.


1 Romanesco cauliflower

250ml Alpro Soya Single (an alternative to single cream)

500ml vegetable stock

1 tbsp fresh ginger cut into strips

A splash of Mirin if desired

350g rice of your choice


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200℃. While the oven is warming up de-leaf the cauliflower and cut the ginger.

  2. In a saucepan over a medium heat pour the Soya Cream and all of the vegetable stock, add a splash of Mirin if desired. Give the two liquids a good mix, then add the fresh ginger. Simmer for two minutes.

  3. Place the cauliflower into a deep casserole dish, and pour the cream sauce all around. For aesthetics avoid pouring right over the cauliflower. Cover with a lid or tin foil and place into the oven.

  4. Cook for 30 min. Serve straight away in wedges over a bed of your favourite rice. I prefer aged Basmati rice.

Bon Appétit!

Note: You can substitute the Soya Cream with Coconut Cream if you want to keep it vegan or use dairy single cream for a vegetarian option.

Hellfire Caves of West Wycombe

Hellfire Caves of West Wycombe

