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Welcome to my blog.  I document my journey through life.  Creating whatever comes to mind.  Hope you have a nice stay!



It was a busy street.  People walking fast, pushing and evading each other in both directions.  I don’t look anywhere in particular, just straight ahead, my feet on autopilot carrying me to my destination.  I’m only vaguely aware of the people around me, my instincts in control helping me maneuver around others.  A step to the left, slow down here.  Turn my body sideways and overtake a slow tourist couple, repeat.  

My mind was elsewhere when my heart began to beat fast.  My body became tense in anticipation of something.  Something was about to happen I could sense it.  As my consciousness returned to me and I was again in the present, I began to feel a pull.  Like an invisible rope was tied around me and someone at the other end was pulling hard now.  So I had to follow.  It wasn’t a chose.  It drew me to the side of the road.  There was no one there, but the force felt right, this is where I’m supposed to be.  I look around, looking for a sign or something suspicious or out of the ordinary.  I’ve done this before I know what to do.  I turn on the spot back towards the crowd; maybe I missed something. My eyes moving fast, searching people’s faces.  Then I see her.  A little girl, she’s walking with her mother and holding her hand.  In the other I see her clutching a small red ball and she’s more interested in the ball than where she’s walking.  I see her throw the ball up into the air but she doesn’t catch it, instead the ball falls to the ground and through the stampede of peoples’ feet is kicked out onto the curb.  The little girl tries to grab it but is too slow.  Her mother’s grip on her wasn’t too strong and the little hand slips out too easily.  Now she’s chasing after the ball, but instead only hits it further out onto the main road. She doesn’t hear, her mother doesn’t hear it, I don’t think anybody can, but I do.  An acceleration.  

Now everything is in slow motion.  It’s my time to make a move.  I must be running but it feels like walking because I’m still too far.  Each move is laborious, why is it so difficult to move when I need to be fast?  I hear muffled voices but I can’t make out what they’re saying, and it doesn’t matter.  I’m almost there. 

Tires screech, a dull thump, the smell of burnt rubber.  


Voices. Incoherent words.  A car horn.  What? Was I not in time? I realise my eyes are shut so I open them.  People are walking by, busy with their day.  There is no girl, no red ball and no car.  I am right where I was, standing on the side of the road.  Tension in my head begins to build up.  What just happened why is everyone so passive, wasn’t there an accident just now?  But nothing, and I wince as a sharp pain stabs me in my right temple.  This has never happened before.  What do I do now?  

With a sigh I look up towards the walking crowd.  Then I freeze, I don’t dare breathe.  I see her, I blink but she doesn’t disappear, it’s really her. 

Everything is exactly the same, she has the same expression and she’s distracted by that red ball.  She throws it up but doesn’t catch it.   



The End

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